27 April 2007

April Newsletter

Welcome new Readers, Associates, Merchants and RCOs!


Please read this Newsletter. I know that is asking a lot in these hurried times, but we have less than 30 days to hear from the US government. Then we should know a bit more about why we are a bunch of “Federal Criminals.” Check out the new $1 Copper Liberty for a buck and gold for only five percent! Send in your Success Story and get more Liberty Dollars. Please share this Newsletter with a friend and your email list. Plenty to do if you really want to change the money / change the country.


1. About Thirty Days to Go...

2. $1 Copper Liberty is HOT

3. You're being lied to!

4. Gold is Ready to Break...

5. Gold Libertys at 5%!

6. Liberty Associate to Cost $500

7. New Brochure at Half Price!

8. Letter / Article to the Editor

9. Success Story / Incident of the Month

10. Question of the Month

11. Liberty Associate of the Month

12. Quote of the Month

1. About Thirty Days to Go...

The US Mint posted their warning on September 13th. We filed our lawsuit on March 20th, which was acknowledged on March 25th. The government has 60 days to reply to our complaint, which would be about May 25. Of course the government will reply, in this special case – they must – or we win by default. That is certainly not going to happen even though the government has defaulted on obeying the US Constitution, by providing a value based monetary system, a lawful tax system, etc., just to name a few.

Some time between now and the next issue of Liberty Dollar News, we should learn a bit more about the government’s “reason” as to why we are a bunch of Federal Criminals. Doesn’t that sound sweet... “a bunch of Federal Criminals”... who just want a money that holds it value. For if we had “just weights and measures” we would not even need the Liberty Dollar. I would be laying on the beach in Hawaii. But in face of what is happening to our money, any reasonable man or woman would be crazy not to protect yourself and your purchasing power. The government “needs” the Liberty Dollar!

Thank you... thank you... thank you... for your donations. We have now received over $10,000 in donations. And we gratefully appreciate every dollar, regardless if it is one of those depreciating US dollars or one of those beautiful appreciating Liberty Dollars. We just need a lot more... like $90,000 more to be honest. Please consider sending in another donation. And if you have not... shame on youJ. Get off of a dollar... send it in... you will feel good, knowing that you are actually doing something instead of just talking about the problem. Seriously, please make a donation. And remember, for every $20 you donate you will receive a very special Victory Dollar that can only be had by making a donation of at least $20. And you get one Victory Dollar for very $20 you donate. Trust me, these Victory Dollars are going to be HOT on eBay after we win!

Thanks again for your support. It means a great deal to Liberty Dollar organization to know that our effort has your support. Click HERE to donate online with a bankcard.

2. $1 Copper Liberty is HOT

WOW! The pre-issue Alert lit up the phones! You still have until midnight (PDT) Monday, April 30 to place your order or add to your order for this very Special Offer. Please send an email over the weekend or call before midnight Monday. Remember the office closes at 5:00 CDT on Monday. You can also fax your order to: 775.218.1847.

No doubt!
The... new... big... heavy... One ounce for One Dollar Copper Liberty is HOT!

In our fight to defend your right to use gold, silver or anything of choice in commerce, we will issue a new $1 Copper Liberty within the next 100 days. Each One Dollar Copper Liberty will feature the same designs, contain one ounce of pure copper and be the same size as the $20 Silver Liberty (39 mm)!

For commodity monetary purists this is another big step. This draws a direct comparison between the US Mint’s new, smaller BS dollar and the larger, genuine weighted bullion, free enterprise, free market, Copper Liberty Dollar. For the numismatists, the new Copper Lib is similar to the old "Large Cent" authorized by the Mint Act of 1792 and minted from 1793 to 1857. The Large Cent contained one "cent" worth of copper. My, how times and our money has changed. The new $1 Copper Liberty says a lot! Now we are barely able to mint and distribute a Copper Dollar for one government-issued US buck! And the future looks worse for the embattled US dollar.

Our first order is for only 10,000 Copper Libertys. We are not sure if a re-order will be possible due to wild copper prices, which were almost double the current level just a few months ago. But we have this opportunity to produce a unique $1 Copper Liberty and I invite you to place your pre-orders NOW, please. All Liberty Associates can get the new $1 Copper Liberty for only $0.90 each on a minimum of 10 Dollars. Maximum order is 100 Copper Libs at this pre-issue discounted price.

This Special Offer is limited to one week only!

Expires at midnight (PDT) Monday, April 30.

Please call the office: 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181 to make a donation or to order Copper Libertys, as it is so new, it is not yet available on the Shopping Cart.

Thank you for your order and donation. If you wish to order more $1 Copper Libs, please call before this Special Offer expires. It is HOT!

3. You're being lied to!

By Larry Edelson for Money and Markets

Recently I told you how the Dow has lost over 50% of its value since 2001, despite its recent gains. Put another way, if you bought all the stocks in the Dow Jones Industrials back in 2001, the purchasing power of your investment today would be less than half what it was back then.

In fact, for the Dow to regain the purchasing power it had six years ago, it would have to double to more than 24,000! [Editor’s note: Read this line again!]

I don't know about you, but I think losing 50% of your money's purchasing power is an outright disaster. Even worse, most investors fail to recognize this has happened. That's because the government is lying about inflation.

Today, I want to talk about the root of the problem — the terribly weak U.S. dollar. And I'll tell you what its consequence, rising inflation, means for your portfolio. Because if you don't grasp what's happening, your investments will get killed.

The Dollar Continues To Get Creamed …

Since early March, in barely a month's time, the U.S. dollar has lost another 1.9% of its value against other major currencies. It's lost the same — in some cases even more — when compared to minor currencies, such as the Thai baht, Malaysian ringgit, and more.

You can see the decline in the chart to the right. It's not a pretty picture. What's behind the dollar's fall? All the forces I've been warning you about:

Please click HERE to read this short, powerful article.

4. Gold is Ready to Break...

Gold is Ready to Break Important Records

By James Turk of GoldMoney

Gold's record high was reached when it popped above $850 in January 1980. That fact is well known. What is less well known is that gold traded at that price for only a few seconds and that a sharp price drop occurred after this peak, which clearly marks the January 1980 high to be a classic “blow-off” top.

The day it reached that record price, gold actually closed far below at $825.50, which is its all-time closing high. The next day gold literally collapsed, closing at $682.

In fact, gold has closed above $800 on only 3 days - the day of the blow-off peak and the 2 days before. In its entire history, gold has closed in the $700s on only 12 days, of which 3 were in May 2006.

It is even more startling to look at gold's weekly closes. In its entire history, only once has gold closed the end of a week above $800. What's even more surprising is that only once has gold had a weekly close in the $700s, and that one occurred in May 2006.

I consider the weekly closing price of any asset to be most important. Within any week prices can be easily buffeted up and down by day traders and scalpers, unwilling to make a long-term commitment with their money. While these traders make a useful contribution to a market by providing liquidity, the distortion in prices caused by their buying and selling when they put their money into action may mask the true underlying value of an asset as well as add volatility that may shake-out weak hands. It is important to note that these short-term traders will rarely carry a position over a weekend when the markets are closed and they are unable to change their position until Monday's open. So because this “hot” money is out of the market by the end of the week, the weekly closing price becomes an important measure of overall supply and demand.

Gold closed this past week at $692, its fourth highest ever weekly close. Can an all-time weekly closing high be far behind? I don't think so. I think one is right around the corner.

Gold is in a major bull market. The fundamental factors that are driving it higher remain very bullish. Gold's technical factors also continue to be very bullish. But why do I think the $715 area at which gold topped last May will not stop gold this time around?

No one of course knows the future, so I might be proven wrong. But I am sticking my neck out by saying that I expect gold to blow through $715 this time. I include the words "this time" on purpose.

I first identified the $715 level to be an important resistance point even before gold reached that price in May 2006. In my April 16, 2006 alert I said: "Gold hurdled over barriers 1-3, and barrier #4 waits above at $715." A month later gold was then subsequently turned back from that $715 level. I reproduce below the same chart from that April 2006 alert, updated to the present.

What's clear from the above chart is that gold is again rapidly approaching the $715 level and its May 2006 weekly high close. Importantly, gold is in a very strong technical position.

These points are of course also well known to the gold cartel, which for several years has been preventing gold from trading in a free and unfettered market, as has been so capably and repeatedly demonstrated by the Gold-Anti Trust Action Committee. Given the importance of the $715 level, it is therefore no wonder that the gold cartel's efforts to cap the gold price in recent weeks have become more frantic and therefore so obvious, for example, the surges in Comex open interest on only a relatively small price rise, the late-in-the-day sell-offs after the physical gold market in London closes, and the blatant attempts to “paint-the-tape” in the thin trading conditions after New York closes and before London opens. But don't worry here too much about the gold cartel.

The gold cartel is no doubt a nemesis, but it is not all powerful. It cannot forever hold back the flood of people rushing out of the dollar and other fiat currency into the safety and security of real, physical gold.

Consequently, I expect the gold cartel to retreat here, only to continue its capping efforts at a higher gold price. What price will that be? I expect that the gold cartel will probably retreat to around $750 per ounce, i.e., above $24 per goldgram. But it could end up being a lot higher.

In any case, get ready. It looks to me that over the coming weeks, gold is about to set some important new records.

James Turk founded GoldMoney – a digital gold based payment system in 2001. He has written the Freemarket Gold & Money Report, an investment newsletter, since 1987. James is a personal friend and is well known in the precious metal industry. More information is available at www.GoldMoney.com.

5. Gold Libertys at 5%!

Some time ago, I received a disturbing email from an Associate who was very upset that we did not market the Gold Liberty. Oh, sure we have a picture of the beautiful Gold Liberty as part of the cluster image of the currency, but the Associate’s point was that there was no info about its price. More importantly, he wanted 100 ounces but not at Face Value of $1000 each!

Of course with a face value of $1000 each his point was understandable and that is why the Gold Liberty is volume priced. The larger the order, the lower the price. And while there is little to be done about the spot price, the premium on the Gold Liberty is very competitive. In fact, in most instances, Gold Libertys are cheaper than US Mint Gold Eagles or their new Gold Buffalos. And while the Gold Liberty does not have the aura of the US government, that is a positive statement for some people.

So I searched for “gold” in my computer and turned up 296 gold articles from Alan Greenspan, to Harry Schultz, to James Turk, to J. Orlin Grabbe, to Lew Rockwell, to Murray Rothbard, to Richard Heinberg, to Friedrich von Hayek, to more than a dozen writers. Everything was covered from market actions, valuations, court actions, confiscation, history, the Islamic gold dinar, and even found my old article on an Organic Gold Standard. But not a word about Liberty Associates getting Gold Libertys at a discount!

Then I searched the Liberty Dollar site online. Still no pricing! So now let it be known that the private, non-government Gold Liberty is well priced in comparison to all the major government issued gold bullion coins from the United States, Canada, China, Austria, England and Australia. Plus it has the highest Face Value and functions in the marketplace whereas none of the other government bullion coins come close.

$1000 Gold Liberty Pricing for Liberty Associates

Each Gold Liberty contains one Troy ounce of .9999 fine gold

Cash price – no bankcards are accepted please

Shipping and handling no included

1 – 4 Gold Libertys: Spot plus 10% premium

5 – 9 Gold Libertys: Spot plus 9% premium

10 – 24 Gold Libertys: Spot plus 8% premium

25 – 49 Gold Libertys: Spot plus 7% premium

50 – 99 Gold Libertys: Spot plus 6% premium

100 + Gold Libertys: Spot plus 5% premium

There you have it! Gold at 5%! And while I remain a raging silver bull, I understand that storage and other personal considerations are important factors. Plus it is a lot easier to run with 20 ounces of gold versus 1000 ounces of silver! So if you want to get gold, here it is... at a great price. Beautifully minted. Totally private. No reporting. Very liquid anywhere in the world. The Fulfillment Office can usually ship within a week. Please call 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181 to confirm order at current market rates. Payment is required within 24 hours, please.

6. Liberty Associate to Cost $500

No, it does not cost $500 to become a Liberty Associate... YET. But it will... when the Liberty Dollar Moves Up to the $50 Silver Base. Just as the price of gold and silver “goes up” to reflect the loss of purchasing power of the US dollar, the price to become a Liberty Associate will go up to $500 from the current $250 level.

Of course the good news is that the Referral goes up to $200 and the new Liberty Associate will get $200 Liberty Dollars upon joining. The best news is that this has not happened yet. So if you are flirting with becoming a Liberty Associate... NOW is the time to join the party for only $250.

Please call the Office at 888.LIB.DOLLAR or 888.421.6181 to get all your questions answered. Hope to hear from you before we Move Up to $500.

7. New Brochure at Half Price!

Due to opposition voiced by Liberty Merchants to the strong language in the previous brochures, great efforts have been made with the new brochure. The strong comparison between the purchasing power of 1913 to 2001 is still present, as is the differences between a value based currency and the government’s debt based fiat currency. It is just presented in a way that will not alienate anyone from reading it. Our “message” remains the same and is still there. Plus the new phone number and other changes have been upgraded.

So to launch the new brochure, they are available at Half Price! Get 10 or 1000 for only a nickel each! And like all our collateral materials, we are most happy to accept the Liberty Dollar in payment. In fact we prefer the new gold and silver currency! So please get some brochures, share the word and let’s return America to a value based system.

8. Letter / Article to the Editor

Due to the articles by James and Larry, no additional articles are included.

Wish to comment about the Liberty Dollar? Please submit your “Letter to the Editor” to me: Bernard@LibertyDollar.org. Thanks for reading the Liberty Dollar News.

9. Success Story / Incident of the Month

Win a $20 Silver Liberty for the best Success Story up to 200 words, a $10 Silver Liberty for the best Success Story up to 100 words or $5 Silver Liberty for the best Success Story up to 50 words. Please email your Success Story to Sarah@LibertyDollar.org.

The only Incident to report this month is the good end to a bad story.

To the best of my knowledge there have only been three people actually arrested for the Liberty Dollar. Only one was actually thrown in jail. So when Robert Miller with the Rabun First Liberty Exchange in Mountain City, Georgia, was arrested and actually thrown in jail, I was shocked. Robert, who was probably not as shocked as I was, took his charge of felony forgery in the 2nd degree for tendering a $10 Silver Liberty in November of 2006 as a misunderstanding and put his faith in the hands of God, while he faced four years in state prison.

The good news is that the charges were recently dismissed. The arrest never even went to the Grand Jury for indictment. Robert is free of all charges. It remains to be determined what restitution the government will make for the arrest and holding Robert in jail for three days.

To date: Only three arrests and only one ended in jail. This is an amazingly low number given the thousands and thousands of transactions, using millions and millions of Liberty Dollars. It seems using the new currency is as safe as flying. Give it a go. Join the fun. Be sure to send in your Success Story and report all Incidents to the Office, please.

10. Question of the Month

QUESTION: What did the Mint Act of 1792 say about killing people who debased the country’s money?

ANSWER: The Mint Act of 1792 stated: "That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of fine gold or fine silver therein contained ...every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offences, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death.” Obviously, our Founding Fathers were serious about having good money and I think we should be also.

11. Liberty Associate of the Month

What I like about the Liberty Dollar are the bright people and the bright ideas that they bring to the currency. Such is the case with the Liberty Couple of the Month. Unfortunately, many wives do not share their husband’s understanding or passion about our country’s money. In fact, I am usually shocked by the comments I hear as I travel. So it is always greatly appreciated to have a lady’s support. And that certainly applies to this Liberty Couple of the Month. Recently, when a group of California RCOs gathered at a Gun Show in Reno, the Liberty Couple of the Month developed this phrase: “Your Federal Reserve Notes Redeemable in Silver here.” What a great line. For this line and their other innovative work, I am pleased to name Alex and Jan Salsbery the Liberty Couple of the Month. Congratulations, guys, and thank you for your fine efforts and good ideas!

12. Quote of the Month

"One of the three greatest lies ever told is, 'Hi, we're from the government, and we want to help you.'" Ronald Reagan

Closing Remarks:

Many thanks to all the Liberty Associates, Merchants, and RCOs for your continued support. For it is only by banding together and adopting a free and independent currency which provides us with “just weights and measures” will we be able to throw off the yoke of a manipulated monetary/tax system and generate a peaceful and prosperous society.

Thank you again for all your efforts to return America to value – one dollar at a time!

Bernard von NotHaus

Monetary Architect/Editor




24 April 2007

The Liberty Dollar is not a fraud

There has been a bit of drama on the Yahoo list recently. I will include the original post for reference:

This appears to be a massive scam...
Posted by: "lostitall888"
Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:49 pm (PST)

First off.. just take a look at the current exchange rate:

Silver Spot $13.95
Updated: 04/20/07 20:01 EDT
Associate Rate USD to ALD $0.924
Merchant Rate USD to ALD $0.924
Exchange Rate ALD to USD $0.805

There's a bid-ask spread of 15%! This is the widest market that I've
ever seen, not to mention that if you buy it from "ALD" at face value,
you lose 19.5% right away.

If you want to buy silver or gold, buy silver or gold, not overpay for
the silver or gold by around 40% (spot is 13.95, if you pay $20.00,
you overpay by 43%, if you pay the discount rate of $18.48, you pay
about 32% too much).

How does ALD justify this? ESPECIALLY the extremely wide bid-ask
spread for the "currency." They try to explain it as a "small profit
needed to operate", but a 15% spread? Rediculous.

As one poster pointed out, this happens about once a month. Someone discovers the Liberty Dollar, and posts something like this to the list, accusing the group of mass fraud.

As LD enthusiasts are quick (one might say eager) to point out, the LD is a medium of barter exchange. It provides buyers and sellers a common measuring stick by which to gauge the relative value of their goods or services. It is not an investment, and if you ask almost any LD user for investment advice, they will probably tell you to buy gold or silver (government-issued) coins or bars.

As to the 'justification' for the high overhead, I have already pointed out that the LD comes much closer to matching face value and intrinsic value than does the Federal Reserve. The only reason that people are willing to say that a Federal Reserve Note is worth more than the paper it's printed on is because bureaucrats wielding police powers say "do it, or else."

There's no fraud going on here, only a quite forgivable ignorance among the general population as to the true nature of money. Fortunately, this ignorance is curable, and that is one reason the Liberty Dollar was created in the first place.